Cheryl Ann (Cockey) Cooper passed from this life into her LORD'S presence February 4, 2020, following complications from Parkinson's disease. She was born December 17, 1946 in Baltimore, MD. Her parents, now deceased, were Rev. A. Carlton Cockey and Ruth (Bell) Cockey.
Cheryl earned a degree in Music Education from the University of Maine at Orono, graduating in 1968. She taught music and other subjects in seven states.
On February 17, 1973 she married Alvin (Al) Cooper. She is survived by her husband, their four children, and twelve grandchildren: Erik Cooper (Gina) and grandchildren Jenna, Sarah, and Matthew of Powell, OH; David Cooper (Becca) and grandchildren Charlotte and Alexander of Sacramento, CA; Bethany Cooper Ashton (Ashley) and grandchildren Hannah, Judah, Livia, Brandon, Tiffany, Jordan, and Aden of Richmond, Nelson, New Zealand; Joel Cooper (Megan), of Forest Lake, MN. She also is survived by siblings Shelby, Sarah, Jonathan, and Lori.
Al and Cheryl served in pastoral roles in American Baptist Churches for 45 years. She was constantly active, offering her considerable musical abilities and abundant love. Christian faith-serving the Savior she accepted in grade school-was her priority. She would next identify her contributions to her family as critical. Her four children have learned to love and serve Jesus Christ; they are now raising Christian families of their own. They are thriving-and genuinely enjoying one another-in the love Cheryl provided and developed into maturity in them.
Two services are planned. The first will be at Karl Road Baptist Church, 5750 Karl Road, Columbus, OH Friday Feb. 7th. Visiting begins at 10 a.m.; the service at 11, with a bereavement meal following.
The second service will be 2 p.m. March 7, also at Karl Road Baptist. This service will feature celebrations of Cheryl's life, and offer time to share stories about what she means to those who love her.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF). Cheryl and Al met through their ministry. Donations will be used to support the ministry of Tom and Nancy Brink, Team Leaders for Northern New England, whom Al and Cheryl have helped to support for over four decades.
Checks may be sent to: InterVarsity, P.O. Box 7895, Madison, WI 53707. Place "Cheryl Cooper Memorial" in the memo line. For more information, call Inter-Varsity at 866-734-4823.